Inspiring Honey

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How to be Confident

How To Be Confident

Hey friend,

 I just want to start this off by saying thanks for being a huge part of my heart and joining me here. I know that if you are reading this then we are so similar in our struggles and what we face. I want to remind you that God is bigger than the struggles and true confidence is rooted in him. If you are reading this, then I know you are like me. A girl who struggles with insecurities and battles comparison. Someone who has wished she looked different, maybe a smaller nose, longer hair, clearer skin…. the list could go on forever. It's ironic to think that the people we compare ourselves to probably feel the same way. They probably see their flaws magnified just like we see ours. 
So I am praying that this is able to help be the reminder we both need to build our confidence and  rooted in Christ. To silence any insecurities and push aside doubts that try to creep in. 

The other day, I got a question on my Instagram story that really stayed on my heart long after I answered it. I felt led to lean into it, pray over it and see what God was using it for. And he led me to write this blog, not only to lift you up, but to remind myself of his truths. 

A sweet follower of mine asked “What advice do you have on feeling more confident about your body”. 

And if I am going to be completely honest with you, this question is one that I have wrestled with. Going through my second pregnancy and watching my body change, hormones cause random breakouts and none of my clothes fitting, has been harder on me then I anticipated. 
I think God was using this question to push me closer to him as a reminder to know my confidence is not rooted in my physical body, but my spiritual well being and on a firm foundation of his truth. 
Confidence rooted in anything but Jesus is really shaky and will be destroyed one way or another. 

Skin will age and sag. Wrinkles will form. Weight will change. Hair will turn grey. 

Confidence rooted in appearance will fail us, whether that be today or years from now. It can be taken the second you compare your body and look at other beautiful girls, it will be shattered by one misspoken word, it will fall flat when your favorite jeans don't button anymore. 

Confidence rooted in who you are is sure to crumble leaving a wave of insecurities in its wake. 

But true confidence rooted in God’s truth is everlasting and can not be stolen. True confidence only grows stronger with wisdom and aging. The standard of beauty set by this world and the diet culture is contrary to the standard of beauty Christ calls us to. God doesn't tell you that you need to be skinny, have clear skin, be tall and look like a Victoria Secret model to be beautiful in his eyes. God defines beauty in a meek woman who pursues the Lord's heart above her own. God is not looking at your outward appearance but what's in your heart. 
Wearing less clothes doesn't make you more beautiful. 

Caking on makeup will not make you more worthy. 

Hours in the gym will not sculpt  everlasting confidence or fill that void you feel. 

You don't need to be more confident in you to love your body, you need to be more confident in Christ.

Sis, I hope you understand that true beauty is not what society tells us, but what God calls us to. You are not beautiful because of the way you look or your shape, but because the one who formed you, says you are. He made you with intention and purpose. Knit you in your mother's womb and set you apart. You are beautiful because you are his and the holy spirit dwells within you. You glow differently when you're in Christ because his light illuminates you and that is beautiful. 

Sis, you need to start seeing yourself the way God sees you and striving to live to the standard of meekness and modesty he calls. 

So here are applicable ways to see yourself the way God see you and build confidence as a godly women:

  1. Pray into it : Prayer is so powerful. The bible tells us time and time again to call out to God, so intentionally pray that God allows you to see yourself the way he sees you. Here is a prayer I pray to help my confidence and see myself the way God sees me 
    Lord, Please humble my heart today to seek you above myself. Draw me closer to you and cleanse me from the inside out. Please help me to cast aside any insecurities and doubts I have and just gain all strength from you. Help me to root my identity in your truth Lord, and know the holy spirit dwells in me. Remind me where my true beauty comes from Jesus and allow my insecurities to push me closer to you. Remind me that I am set apart and you made no mistake when you created me in your image Lord. Help my beauty come from my love of you and shine through me Lord In Jesus name, Amen 

  2. Encourage others: Kind words have the power to heal. The bible is so clear when talking about our words and the manner in which we talk about others. If you start to compare yourself to someone else or get jealous over them, pray for them instead of gossiping. Freely give out compliments and let others know what you love about them.Lifting other people up and encouraging them in who Christ made them to be, will help set you free to love who he made you to be. Gracious words are like honey, sweet to the soul and soothing to the body - proverbs 16:24 

  3. Read Truth Daily: Nothing combats the lies and hurt of this world like the refreshing truth of the gospel. Rooting yourself in the truth written in the bible every single day will change the way you view everything and the perspective you have. God's word is so powerful and when you really dive deep into a study with a prayer journal it will start to change the way you even view yourself. 
    All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.-2 Timothy 3:16-17

  4. Un-follow and stop comparing: If there is some fitness model or someone you follow online that makes you feel so insecure every time you see a post by them, un-follow them. If there are girls who just post things that make you feel uncomfortable, unfollow them. When we compare ourselves to others it is a choice. That choice causes us to doubt, question and forget the blessings God has put into our own lives. God is very clear that we need to protect our hearts, eyes and mind and if every time you open up social media you're flooded with edited pictures of girls who make you feel insecure about yourself, you need to un-follow them.  You do not want to fall into the trap of comparison where you end up feeling horrible about yourself or tearing someone else down to lift yourself up. Neither is what God wants for us or for us, so just hit the un-follow button and get on your knees in prayer.  Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it- proverbs 4:23

    So sis, 

    I want to end this by letting you know that you are not alone in these feelings. That almost every girl has dealt with insecurities and comparison. You are so beautiful and in God’s eyes your beauty is far more than anything of this world and the standards set by society. Your beauty is not found in your outward appearance but in your heart, that is where true beauty flows from. You are loved, you are made with intention and you are set apart sis. I am praying for you and I love you

    It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No your beauty should come from inside you- the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear and it is worth very much to God - 1 peter 3:3-4

Here are some graphics of truth to share on IG, pin, text to friends or use as a screen savor. If you share them on Instagram or post to your story be sure to tag me so I can re-post and shout you out.

Praying these little graphics are can be reminders of truth for you

xoxo- Gab