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10 Ways the Enemy uses to attack and how to combat them

10 Ways the Enemy uses to attack and how to combat them

Hey Sis, 

Do you ever feel super far from God? Do you ever struggle with the desire to pray? Do you struggle with wanting to read the bible? Do you ever step back and ask how God could love someone like you? 


This has been so heavy on my heart to share with you. I do not know what your walk is looking like or where you are, but I do know that God is so good and the enemy is so sneaky. The enemy is sneaky and he is not creative. A lot of times he tells us the same lies to hold us captive and keep us from moving forward and being in the freedom God calls us to. 


Imagine standing in a doorway. On one side is lies, fears and doubts and the other is freedom and joy that comes from being rooted in Christ. If you are stuck on the side with doubts that are bringing you down and causing a wedge between you and God it might be because you believe one of these lies. 


So let's dive deep, bringing darkness to light and talk about the common lies of the enemy so we can overcome them and run freely in the joy that can only come from him. 


10 of The Enemy’s strategies 


Strategy 1- Attack your passions 

He wants to pull you away from God, to lessen the desire you have to pray, to dull the interest you have in biblical based spiritual things, and downplay the need and joy that comes from Jesus (EPH. 6:10-20)


Strategy 2- Against your focus 

He confuses you and disguises himself so your perspective shifts and you focus on the wrong things. He changes your focus from being upset at him by turning you against other things and people in your life.  


Strategy 3 - Against you identity 

He causes you to focus on your insecurities, leading you to doubt what God says about you and to disregard the blessings he has given you. (EPH 1:17-19) 


Strategy 4- Against Your family 

The enemy loves to separate and destroy. It loves to cause division, hurt and chaos. 

( Genesis 3:1-7)  


Strategy 5- Against Your Confidence 

He constantly reminds you of your past, mistakes and flaws. He hopes to convince you that you live under God’s judgements rather than under the forgiving blood

(Revelations 12:10) 


Strategy 6- Against Your Calling

He makes your fears and worries so big to distract you. He wants you to forget the scale of the God you serve and deem the calling on your life too risky to embark on. (Josh 14:8) 


Strategy #7- Against your purity 

He tries to tempt you towards certain sins, convincing you that it really isn't that bad. He starts to tempt you with small things that turn into big things and lead to be wedges between you and God. (Isaiah 59:1-2) 


Strategy #8- Against Your rest and Contentment 

He wants you to feel worn out, overwhelmed and stressed. He does not want to see you having the peace of God and hopes to overload your life with a load of things that seem too much to bear. (Deut 5:15) 


Strategy #9- Against Your Heart 

He uses every opportunity to keep pain of the past in your mind. He wants you to fester in anger, hurt and bitterness that stops you from forgiveness and will continue to cause division. 

(Heb 12:15) 


Strategy #10- Against Your Relationships 

He creates disruption and disunity within your friends, community and family. He loves to see division and separation. 

(2 timothy 2:8)


Do any of these apply to you? Have you ever been stuck in a season where you have been so attacked? Maybe you are walking through that now or you already have. But I want you to take hope that he only attacks what is good and the fact that the enemy is attacking you says something about how the Holy spirit is working in you. 


Sis, I pray that you do not be discouraged by the enemy attacks but be encouraged by the sovereignty of the Lord. Christ has already overcome the world and the enemy has no foothold. Rebuke him and rebuke these lies. The enemy may be sneaky but Our God is so much greater. 


In Christ you are set free. Free from lies that hold you back in fear from fully living out the calling he has for you. 

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